Folks always have a lot of great questions about which rocks and crystals are good for what. Which ones do you need for your task, mood or needs? Here's a meaty answer to this short question, so we can help you to answer that question!
Here at the Swallow's Nest, our perspective is very much a spiritworker's perspective. What does that mean? It means we see that everything in our environment has its own spirit and energy, our view on the world around us is basically what you'd call an animist view. There's many kinds of energy in the world around us, and we seek to connect with all of it as honestly as we can.
When we assess which stones someone needs, we ask the stones, it's that simple. We pick them up, feel their energy, and ask them to tell us what they're good at. You can do this too, and we recommend it, even if you are someone who doesn't think they feel energy. Even taking that moment to connect with the stones in a respectful way, as peers, has value.
We also look to our extensive experience in working with rocks as allies. We know from experience that certain stones tend to be reliable for certain purposes. For example, we know that fluorite (which we do have in the shop, and is commonly found right here in NH) is often calming for folks who are feeling anxious or stressed. Garnet is one that we have seen assist many folks who need to ground their energy...which in a way also can help folks to find calm. Black onyx is a stone we have come to rely on, for protection, grounding, and general badassery (banishing difficult spirits, things like that).
But any time you need to know which stones we have, which may help you? Just ask! You can email us ( or you can come right into the shop to ask. We are happy to take the time to feel the stone with and for you, and ask them how they can help YOU.