“Love and light” isn’t really our thing, here at The Swallow’s Nest.
Our guiding principle is balance.
Without “light” and “dark” there is no balance.
Plus, a lot of the “love and light” spirituality you see out there? At the very least, it denies the validity of our full range of human emotions. Our anger is valid, too. Our sadness, our grief. All of it is real and part of us and we have a right to be whole.
Here at the Swallow’s Nest, we support your wholeness, as a human being. And this darkest time of the year is a great time to reflect on the balance we need, in order to feel whole.
What can you change or do, in your own life, to bring more balance? What are the areas of your life where balance is hardest to find, and why? Focusing only on "love and light" probably isn't going to solve any of that, for you.
But taking a moment to acknowledge even the imperfect feelings you may have about it? That might. Taking a moment to acknowledge what's not working. Just because something is scary, doesn't mean it's bad. Sometimes the scariest things and our uncomfortable feelings about them get us where we truly need to be.
Magic is a tool for bringing balance to our lives. When we use magic, to make choices, we have to bring our whole selves to it. Just like everything else...for it to be healthy. And whole.